Sunday, August 2, 2009
More Wildflowers From Cait's Garden
Cait- I made a collage of your wildflowers for you to see. As you can tell more have bloomed. The poppy bloomed overnight. I was right about what some of them were. The packet says 18 kinds, we have some of them- Annual Blue Flax, Nasturtiums, Annual Gypsophila (baby's breath), Four o'clocks, Candytuft, Dwarf Cornflower, Cosmos, California Poppy, Sweet Williams, Sweet William Pinks, Common Evening Primrose, Lance Leaved Coreopis, Siberian Wallflower, Calendula, Scarlet flax, corn Poppy, catchfly, and Plains Coreopsis.
You are correct that they are taller than expected. A storm with heavy rain knocked some of them over (not broken just drooped.) I put a tomato cage around them.
They are beautiful! ...different from what I expected, but in a good way!