Monday, January 17, 2011

A Short and Sweet Little Update With Pictures

I'm not being funny, but things are a bit busy at present. Christmas was full on and my trip is coming to an end. The good news is I have a new British baking book to go through and share when I reach my regular kitchen! I have new music and plenty of pictures to show!

All of the pictures will be in collage form this time, as it is easier with the system I am using at the moment. As always most of these pictures and usually more are on my Flickr page in individual, full size. These are clickable from the slideshow on the side.

Bridgnorth at night and in the day, low and high town (mostly high town.)

I saw my first panto. In this case Treasure Island. I got to shout "Behind you," and "Oh, yes he is" it was a hoot! ....And also, "A vast behind!," when a certain character bent over. LOL!

RAF Museum Cosford:

All the reports of snow in the news were very true....Here is some proof from Ironbridge:

As you can see, the river Severn was not navigable for a bit. Notice the shards of ice that broke and collected down stream. Not sure if the picture does the sight of it justice.

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