Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blueberry Is King Semifreddo

Now playing: The Moody Blues - Blue World
via FoxyTunes

This is a mixed berry Semifreddo, but in this recipe blueberry is king. Anyone can see that loading up on blueberries can be a smart thing to do. Blueberries are known for enhancing mental sharpness and eyesight. Blueberries are one of a few naturally blue colored foods. The blue of blueberries were once used in dyes and paints, but back to food....Here is the recipe:

Blueberry is King Semifreddo

1/2 pint strawberry
1/2 pint blackberry
2 pints blueberry
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 c. powdered sugar
4 egg whites
1/2 c. powdered sugar
1 c. stiffly whipped cream

In a medium size pot add all clean berries 1 c. sugar and lemon juice. Gently heat the berries until the sugar dissolves. Process in a blender (cover with a towel for added protection, it is still hot.) Strain. Refrigerate until very cold. Bring out of refrigerator and reserve 1 1/2 c. of berry mixture. This will be nice as a sauce to serve with the Semifreddo.

To make the mixture for freezing:

Whip the egg whites until they start to foam, add sugar slowly as the whip runs. Whip until firm peaks form. Fold the cream, berry mixture and egg white mixture together. Pour into a loaf pan. Freeze until firm. To release the Semifreddo fill a sink with hot water and dunk the pan in. This should release the dessert so you can invert onto a serving plate. Dip your knife into the hot water and make thin slices. Serve with the sauce and fresh blueberries. You should be able to get 2 dozen thin slices from a large. loaf pan. Semifreddo is best served slightly thawed with a melty outer edge.


"It happens every time, they all become blueberries!" -Willy Wonka

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