Thursday, August 23, 2012

Flaedle Madness - Day Three

Flaedle cake is featured for day three of flaedle madness. Layers of pastry cream and other goodies, in this case peaches. The farmer's market has plenty of in season peaches at the moment. Colorado is famous for them this time of year. Make a big batch of crepes, probably about 20. Make a peach puree (sweetened, or not) with gelatin and some lemon juice. Make some pastry cream. Put them in layers and use some sort of brace. I borrowed Lucie's metal ring used for such occasions. You can make it any size you want! Let the layers become one and set over night.


A wonderful CSA farm in Fort Collins - On The Vine At Richmond Farms. One of my fellow bloggers did this one on her blog called Choice City Native.  


Aaaaaw, shucks the corn was good!

Fleurs too!

This week we had a mess of fried okra.  I can see gumbo in our near future next week!

I took a few HDR photos, as well!



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